You are likely to feel a burning sensation after treatment, [showhide type=”post” more_text=”Show more…” less_text=”Show less…”]but that will usually disappear in the space of a few hours. A soothing cream is applied and provided as aftercare for you to take home and continue to use.

Following treatment, it is normal to have some swelling. This can be significant around the eyes and can last for several days and may lead to interference with vision in the initial period. Cold compresses is mandatory for this area to reduce the swelling. If the swelling is more severe, an anti-inflammatory medication and/or anti-histamine may help alleviate the swelling.

Crusting will usually develop over the treated area, this will often initially be brown or black on the surface of the skin and flake off over the following days. It is essential to not pick at this crusting as this may lead to infection or scarring. Occasionally the treated area may become a little weepy, this is the natural healing period. It is very important to follow our after care recommendations. Carbon crusts CANNOT be scratched or removed. Drying skin by dabbing with a clean, lint-free cloth is allowed.

Sports, swimming and sauna are not permitted until crusts fall off. SPF 50 must be used on the treated area for a minimum 30 days after treatment & recommend up to 12 weeks (3 months ). 

One treatment is usually enough to achieve desired results. After 1 month, on check-up appointment, the practitioner determines if an additional treatment is necessary. The results are expected to last approximately one year.

We typically recommend two treatments for maximum results 8 weeks apart.
