Non-Surgical Neck-Lift Phi-Ion Treatment

"All Results Shown are Instant"

As we age some of us end up with sagging and loose skin on our necks. The dreaded turkey neck ages us beyond our years and detracts from our overall appearance. A slim taught neck is the framework that sets off our facial feature.

How does a Neck Lift work?

A Neck Lift is an effective method of lifting of sagging neck skin to smooth out the neck region. It involves the contraction of skin or removal of skin from the neck region in order to tighten the skin  using Plasma Pen  Phi-Ion.

The Neck lift Phi-Ion pen uses the plasma state of matter. The principle involves the ionization of gases from the atmospheric air to create micro electrical discharge causing sublimation of the excessive/sagging superficial skin layer.

It is minimally invasive and doesn’t affects deeper layers of skin. This method can be used to treat specific areas of concern without damaging the surrounding tissue or applying unwanted heat energy to them.

The Non-surgical Neck Lift using a Phi-Ion pen is a practical device that uses a precise focused beam of plasma energy to sublimate the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis), without causing any damage to the underlying or adjacent tissues.

Queen Brows popular packages for Neck Lift

Jaw Line slimming and shaping +Neck Lift

Neck Lift+ Upper Chest

Side-Neck Lift

Non-Surgical Jaw Lift and Jawline Enhancement

Sagging of jaws and formation of marionette lines start in your late 30’s to early 40’s. A non-surgical jaw lift using a plasma pen Phi-Ion pen aimed at tightening and lifting sagging to increase youthful sharpness. In some cases, the Jaw Lift can help the Neck Lift as well. So, the combination is highly recommended to get the best optimum result.

Why choose Plasma over surgery or other invasive methods?

If you have been considering a surgical neck lift, then below compares this treatment to surgery and injectables. ​

  • No general anaesthetic is required
  • No scarring
  • No product is injected into to the skin and therefore no synthetic products are deposited and left to roam the body
  • This procedure is non-invasive, no skin is removed, and no scalpels are involved
  • There is no downtime. You may however wish to avoid social events for a couple of days following on from the procedure to allow for the reduction of the tiny dots and possible swelling where have been treated.
  • Pricing is much more accessible.
  • You just need to be patient with the trace of dots, which can last up to the month, depends on the age, healing process, if you are a smoker, or suffer from any disease, the after care, your healing response might be different. The traces eventually disappear but varies among individuals from 4 weeks to 8 weeks.
  • The neck can be evenly rejuvenated. Heidi can target more than one area during one procedure. This gives a less drastic difference between the acutely treated area under surgery and the rest of the untreated face.