Lip Flip/Lip Augmentation using Plasma Pen

The Lip Flip using plasma pen can give the lips a subtle pout-magnification by flipping out the lip line, rolling the lip gently outward, and giving the appearance of a fuller, sexier pout.

The “Lip Flip” is the latest trend in plasma pen treatments. There is no need for any kind of injectables as Plasma pen gives more long-lasting result comparing to fillers and injectables.

It can be combined with fillers and Botox to maximise the effect. It is worth to mention that filler and plasma pen effect are not the same, and do not bring the same results. Filler adds volume, which makes the lip appear larger by literally making it bigger, says Liotta, while plasma pen sublimate the skin around the mouth, called the "orbicularis oris," and rolls the lip outward (i.e. "flipping" it), creating the illusion of a bigger lip — without the added volume.

How is the procedure being done in Queen Brows?

During the consultation time, we discuss with the client what look they want to achieve and we advise and roughly show them what area we are going to work and what they can expect approximately from the procedure.

We apply the numbing cream for 25 min, and then design the sublimation lines with white pencil and start working with plasma pen which takes about 10 min.

Highly recommended to read all the information about the plasma pen treatment, during and after care information here.

What happens during Plasma sublimation treatment?

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Following a consultation where you can discuss your expectations for treatment and whether plasma sublimation is the right treatment for you, the practitioner will take some photographs for later before and after comparison, and you will sign a consent form. Then, the treatment area will be cleaned. A topical anaesthetic cream will be applied and left to take effect for up to 30 minutes.

When the plasma electrode tip touches the skin, the devices will cut out straight away, to stop any injury. However, you are likely to feel heat and discomfort in the treatment area, but treatment will only last between 10 – 30 minutes depending on the size of the area being targeted.

That is the look you will get after Phi ion plasma treatment.

What is the recovery time for Plasma sublimation treatment?

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As opposed to surgery, some people can return to work the same day, as there is very little downtime, although you will have swelling and possible bruising. Depends on the treatment and different skin type, you may have a bit of swelling or excessive one which only last for 1-3 days.

You need to apply the ice pack every hour for 10 minutes, it helps a lot with swelling, and make sure you sleep a bit elevated at night to avoid excess swelling in the morning.

Following treatment, there will be some heat in the skin, like a sunburnt feeling with redness, and little carbon crusts where the tip has been fired to the skin. These scabs will heal and fall off within 5-7 days, leaving fresh pink skin underneath. There may also be swelling depending on the area of treatment, but that should only last a couple of days.

What should you do after PHI-ION Treatment?

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You are likely to feel a burning sensation after treatment, but that will usually disappear in the space of a few hours. A soothing cream is applied and provided as aftercare for you to take home and continue to use.

Following treatment, it is normal to have some swelling. This can be significant around the eyes and can last for several days and may lead to interference with vision in the initial period. Cold compresses is mandatory for this area to reduce the swelling. If the swelling is more severe, an anti-inflammatory medication and/or anti-histamine may help alleviate the swelling.

Crusting will usually develop over the treated area, this will often initially be brown or black on the surface of the skin and flake off over the following days. It is essential to not pick at this crusting as this may lead to infection or scarring. Occasionally the treated area may become a little weepy, this is the natural healing period. It is very important to follow our after care recommendations. Carbon crusts CANNOT be scratched or removed. Drying skin by dabbing with a clean, lint-free cloth is allowed.

Sports, swimming and sauna are not permitted until crusts fall off. SPF 50 must be used on the treated area for a minimum 30 days after treatment & recommend up to 12 weeks (3 months ). 

One treatment is usually enough to achieve desired results. After 1 month, on check-up appointment, the practitioner determines if an additional treatment is necessary. The results are expected to last approximately one year.

I typically recommend two treatments for maximum results 8 weeks apart.

Post Treatment Advice Phi-Ion

Clusters of yellowish spots up to 0.2 mm in diameter will appear in the treated area and remain visible up to 5 days. Eye lids may get swollen and the client may feel tingling. There is no after treatment cream that needs to be applied and the client can use foundation to cover the treated area. All side effects should disappear within 7 to 10 days.

After the treatment, do not:

  • Use aggressive hygiene products (fragrances, soaps, etc.)
  • Expose to direct sunlight for 2 days by no means and wear dark sunglasses
  • use sauna, swimming pools and tanning beds for 5 days
  • expose yourself to physical exertion for 5 days

How Long Does It Last? 

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Plasma Pro skin tightening is more than a simple tightening treatment. Skin is actually removed so results should last as long as they would with an invasive surgery. The effects of this treatment are not totally permanent as it does not stop any further aging, BUT the positive results should last you years depending on the area treated.

The positive effects of treatment will be noticeable immediately, but the best results will be seen after 4 weeks. For some clients an additional treatment may be required after 8 weeks for maximum results. There are lifestyle factors that can prevent the results from lasting as long as they can, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and prolonged sun exposure. Those planning on treatment should also  be aware that race and genetics have an effect on the length of the beneficial effects.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

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The number of treatments needed may vary on the condition of the area being treated, age of the client, Fitzpatrick skin type, skins laxity, the desired degree of correction and the client’s response to the treatment. Most clients see results instantly and this continues to improve over the new 2-4 weeks. More treatments may be required to get better results although it is uncommon to need more than two treatments. Appointments must be spaced out 8-12 weeks apart.


Plasma Pen skin resurfacing is generally suitable for most people, as it is particularly effective at treating notoriously difficult-to-treat areas, namely around the eyes (periorbital) and around the mouth (perioral). It is also suitable for most skin types and textures, although there are some contraindications, which are listed below:

  1. If you have darker skin (Fitzpat­rick scale skin type 6)
  2. If your skin is prone to scarring/keloid scarring
  3. If you have any of the follow­ing: severe skin conditions, open wounds, severe acne, lupus, psori­asis or vitiligo
  4. If you have allergies or sensitivities to any of the products used during the treatment
  5. If you have a history of being treated with blood-thinning medications or gold therapy or if you have been taking Accutane in the last year.
  6. If you are pregnant, breast-feeding , immune-deficient or have any other auto-immune disorder
  7. People that have a pacemaker are NOT candidates for this treatment

Side Effects and Risks:

Plasma Pro Skin Tightening has been shown to be a safe treatment due to its non-invasive nature. Still the majority of clients are likely to experience some minor side effects 7-10 days following treatment. There will be tiny brown spots that have the appearance of minor scabbing , those are carbon crusts and in 5-7 days these will flake away leaving new pink skin underneath. Some swelling will happen (especially in the eyelid treatment) but is likely to last only 3-5 days. Following the aftercare instructions is critical and must be followed after this treatment.

 It naturally eliminates dead cells living in the dermis layer. With no injectable anesthetic, no cuts, no stitches and very minimal downtime; following all natural aftercare. Plasma is the new preferred cosmetic skin rejuvenation treatment.