Anti-wrinkle Treatments - PhiLings

Our PhiLings Palette consists of two anti-ageing, rejuvenating and bio-regenerative treatments. The Phi-Lings package combines two revolutionary techniques perfectly complimenting one another or can be used as two separate  – MICRONEEDLING and PHI-ION.

The PhiLings package deals with both of these treatments to the same extent allowing me to properly combine the services to get the most professional holistic results.

Skin Needling uses a hand-held device with needles to puncture microchannels in the skin allowing better absorption of products and stimulating the microcirculation and the natural processes of collagen production and regeneration.  

 PhiLings Microneedling is quite different from other technologies, as it combines both manual and digital Microneedling techniques to target both prominent and soft wrinkles in one procedure (Manual + Digital Microneedling).

How Do We Do It in Queen Brows?

In each Microneedling session, after assessing your skin, first we start with Manual Microuneedling using a hand-held pen with specific chosen needles proper to your skin type, inflicting micro-punctures in the region of the most prominent wrinkles or skin changes across the entire face.

Then we start the Digital Microneedling using a hand-held electric pen to puncture micro channels in the skin to the depth of 0.2 – 0.75mm and the procedure is considered to be painless.

During the treatment specially designed and patented Gel Solution (Tango, Jive, Scar, Spots, Hair growth, Stretch Marks Gels) is applied to the skin surface and subsequently absorbed through the micro punctures allowing the gel formula to be active in the deepest layers of the dermis, maximising collagen reproduction, stimulating and renewing skin cells. Here in Queen Brows, we specialise in custom skin needling to each client’s skin concerns, at each appointment.

In Queen Brows, Microneedling includes:

+ Skin assessment
+ Manual Microneedling
+ Digital Microneedling
+ Specialised Gel
+ Phi Lings after Treatment Mask
+ Home Care products for 3 Days

After the procedure, the skin will look red and flushed, in a similar way to moderate sunburn. You may also experience skin tightness and mild sensitivity to touch on the area being treated. Most of the redness will pass within a few hours post treatment but can take up to 3 days to go completely. For best results it is mandatory to follow the aftercare.

At the end of your treatment, you will be given a after home product for 3 days, including in your treatment. Following your treatment your skin is able to continue absorbing for the next three days, there for each client is given 3 days’ worth of product to take home to continue the treatment and maximise effects.

Treatment results include:

skin hydration, increased skin tone and smoothness causing existing wrinkles to be less visible and skin younger looking. Results become visible 24 hours after and shall last for a few months. The procedure is repeated up to three times ten to fourteen days apart.


To achieve desired results, it usually takes up to 3 treatments, with 2 weeks gap between each of them. The results last from up to 6 months.


Overall effects:

Skin tightening, lifting and rejuvenation, Acne scars and wound healing, improves wrinkles and fine lines, minimize pore size.


It is possible that the treated area will be red and that the client will feel tingling and tightening of the skin for about 3 days after the treatment.

After the treatment, do not:

χ     wash your face for 12 hours
χ     expose the skin to direct sun light for 24 hours
χ     apply make up for 24 hours
χ     use foundations and powders for 48 hours
χ     use sauna, swimming pools and tanning beds for 3 days
χ     expose yourself to physical exertion for 2 days
χ     use Botox or fillers for next 3 weeks

PhiLings Stretch Marks Removal

Phil Lings is a revolutionary, highly effective treatment designed to decrease the visible appearance of stretch marks and scars. Stretch marks can be treated in two popular ways, in Phi lings: the first way is to only use Microneedling sessions (usually 3-5 sessions needed) or to combine it with Phi Ion Plasma Pen depends on the area of the treatment, your age, and skin type.

Microneedling for Stretch Marks

During Microneedling session, we use small microneedles penetrating the skin, which stimulates natural collagen production and regeneration, a really great way to reduce scaring. During the Microneedling session, we use the MICRONEEDLING STRETCH MARKS SERUM which is intended for skin areas affected by stretch marks. Formulation with high content of hyaluronic acid and complex active components such as Regestril.

  • Hyaluronic acid has the ability that its molecules penetrate deep into the skin, where they trigger very specific physiological mechanisms, such as epithelial and dermal healing and stimulating the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid. Its ability to penetrate into the skin and hydrate it, as well as its high elastic properties, make the skin softer, restore its flexibility and elasticity.
  • Regestril is a unique active component based on plant flavonoids, peptides and Peruvian green bean extract. Synergistic effect of these compounds significantly reduces the existing stretch marks and prevents new ones from forming. This exceptional active component affects the stretch marks in a number of ways, by inactivating enzymes that lead to the formation of stretch marks, preventing degradation of extracellular matrix and stimulating neosynthesis of collagen and glycoprotein in the skin

Depending on the size of the area being treated, treatments will last approximately 1 to 2 hour. The size of stretch marks, how long they have been there, and your age will depend on how many treatments you may require. Typically, most clients only require 2 to 3 treatments, but we have to take each client case by case.

Combination Methods: (Microneedling + Phi Ion Pen)

In this method, we combine two advanced technique to get more effective and long-lasting result. We recommend one or two Microneedling session (Stretch Marks) within 2 weeks gap between, then we do the Phi-Ion Plasma Pen to treat the stretch marks specifically, the last session will be Microneedling again in the 3-4 weeks after the treatment if needed.

You can read more HERE.

Microneedling Hair Growth Treatment

"Microneedling can also boost thinning hair and regrow new hair"

While used as one form of antiaging skin treatment, Microneedling can also be a method of treatment for hair loss. Microneedling using a specialised hair growth serum can help regrow your hair, help hereditary hair loss such as Alopecia.  This treatment can result in new hair growth and thicken thinning hair.

Consultant Dermatologist Dr Justine Hextall suggested that Microneedling can be an effective treatment in treating other types of hair loss too such as traction alopecia (caused by frequent pulling of the hair), telogen effluvium (stress related excess hair shedding) and alopecia areata (where the immune response mistakenly attacks the hair follicles), she says.

MICRONEEDLING HAIR GROWTH SERUM is used during Microneedling session, specially designed to achieve maximum possible effects. Absorption of active substances contained in the serum is up to 500% higher compared to regular application of the cosmetic product.

  • Hyaluronic acid restores hair density and increases its volume. It makes the skin of the head firm and elastic, stimulates its natural protective mechanisms and helps to keep it soft, elastic and tense.
  • Panthenol penetrates into the skin structure easily, nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. By stimulating the division of the epidermis cells, panthenol helps accelerate the process of skin and hair regeneration, provides scalp hydration and has soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Nettle extract, due to high content of scopoletine, a polycyclic compound that affect enzymes that regulate sebum secretion, controls its secretion and prevents excessive hair oiling. Nettle accelerates peripheral circulation and blood circulation of the scalp, thus accelerating metabolic processes within the epidermis. This extract stimulates hair growth, it strengthens the hair, nourishes it, prevents hair loss and acts against dandruff.
  • Chestnut extract, due to its composition that, in addition to starch, contains saponins, tannins, proteins and vitamins B1, C and K, as well as provitamin A, nourishes the skin, helps maintain the health of the follicles, thus reducing and alleviating hair loss. It normalizes the processes of substances exchange in the skin cells, strengthens the scalp, soothes and balances dry or excessively oily scalp.
  • Creatine is an amino acid derivate naturally found in the skin and hair. It strengthens the hair, provides it with volume and healthy appearance. It prevents hair damage caused by chemical treatments, revitalizes the scalp and prevents hair loss.

How many sessions do I need?

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The result will start to show within 2 weeks from the first treatment, we recommend you have 3-4 sessions within the gaps of 3 weeks for the first 3 appointments and one every 4-6 weeks. Depends on the area of treatment and your expectation. 

What should I do before the session?

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Please wash your hair and your scalp carefully on the day of the treatment. 

After care instruction

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We provide you the after care instruction and products to use 3 days after the treatment. Do not wash the hair for two days after the Microneedling session. 

Acne Scarring Micro/Skin Needling

Skin Needling with PhiLings Acne/Scar Serum, is a great solution to acne scarring. It can  effectively treat problematic acneic skin, prevent future breakouts, and help reduce the appearance of textural scarring from acne.

Recommended for: Oily, acneic prone skin, post acne scaring skin, frequent blemish breakout skin


We have tried to ask and answer the most commonly asked questions in this FAQs. If however, you have a questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us through email or by telephone.

How does micro-needling work?

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The treatment involves Micro-Needles through a pen over the area make tiny punctures in the top of the skin. These small ‘skin wounds’ trigger the body’s natural response to create new collagen and elastin fibers, as well as new capillaries which fill the channels created by the needles. The result is a plumping and thickening of the skin, evening out of imperfections and discoloration and improved blood supply. 

How is Microneedling performed?

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First, the skin is cleansed, and a numbing cream is applied for 10 min to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. Next, a Manual Microneedling will be performed, targeting prominent wrinkles, following by a Digital Microneedling across the whole face.

Finally, once the treatment is over, we will apply the Phi Lings After Treatment Mask over the skin for about 20 min with highly concentrated, soothing ingredients to keep the skin smooth. Helps with skin moisture. Promotes the regeneration of the skin cells

What can I expect after the procedure?

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After the procedure your skin will show signs of redness or erythema and will appear similar to moderate sunburn. There may be some slight swelling. The redness and swelling will begin to subside 24 to 48 hours after the treatment. By day 3 the erythema and swelling subsides and the skin takes on a pink colour there is barely any evidence that the procedure has taken place. After the treatment we always recommend a sunblock. 

Does micro-needling cause hyper pigmentation?

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Not in the normal skin. In the after care instruction, we highly advised you to protect your skin against UV rays after the treatment for 7 to 10 days with a suitable sunblock. Over exposure to UV after Microneedling may cause Hyper-Pigmentation but the risk is small. 

What are the benefits of Skin Microneedling over Laser?

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Microneedling is a safe treatment which brings many benefits to you including:

  • a relatively quick recovery time (about a day or two of a light sunburn appearance)
  • Less potential side effects.
  • It’s also safe to use on all skin types. 
  • Less painful (Philings Method) with better results than traditional lasers: CO2 Fraxel, Photofcial & lasers


Do you recommend that patients try one first before trying the other? (and if so, which one?)

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If you’re looking to be more proactive about taking care of your skin, Microneedling is a quick and easy way to do so without much risk. 

What effects does micro-needling have on the skin?

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The effects of Micro-Needling on the skin are significant:

  • Improve skin texture and wrinkle appearance
  • Regeneration of tissue
  • Improve scars, particularly acne scars (as the depressed areas are elevated with new tissue layers)
  • Shrink pore size
  • Skin tightening
  • Rehydration
  • Pigmentation reduction
  • Hair growth
  • Improve stretch marks


How many treatments do I need and how often can micro-needling be repeated?

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The number of treatments you choose depends on the results you want. It is completely safe to repeat collagen induction every 4-6 weeks.

For maximum results, we recommend beginning with 4-6 treatments, spaced every 4-6 weeks. If you have scars that you would like to reduce, we suggest 6-8 treatments. Maintenance based treatments every 12 weeks post help reduce the signs of aging and continually stimulate the collagen production as we age keeping your skin youthful. 

How do I know micro-needling is for me?

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Micro-Needling is safe for all types of skin and all skin colours.It is ideal for anyone who wishes to regain a youthful appearance and rejuvenate their skin. 


General contraindications for Microneedling

There are, however, a few people who are not suitable for Micro-Needling. This includes those who:

  1. Have used Accutane (Isotretinoin) within the last six months
  2. Have open skin cuts, abrasions or wounds
  3. Have undergone radiation treatment to the skin within the last year
  4. Have any kind of active skin infection in the treatment area
  5. Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  6. Have a history of poor wound healing, Keloid or Hypertrophic scars
  7. Have ACTIVE Rosacea, Active acne, Eczema and Psoriasis
  8. Are under the age of 18